Aces Arcade Mobile App

Aces Arcade Mobile App

There's nothing worse than making time to hang out with friends and go to an arcade, only to find out the games you all want to play are already occupied. The Aces arcade app seeks to allows players to reserve games ahead of time and facilitate spending more meaningful time with friends.

Aces Arcade Mobile App

The Aces Arcade mobile app aims to make reserving games and scheduling trips with friends an easier task, so that player scan maximize their time having fun at these arcade trips.

The app was made by myself in order to get familiar with the full pipeline of the app making process as well as develop my designing skills.

Initial Research

I conducted research using a mix of local testimonials and internet research. I assumed that many users would benefit from an app that allows them to structure their arcade trips around game reservations. And as I conducted my research, I concluded that my test users agreed and this would be an app users would be able to practically use often. 

After conversing with more potential app users, boiled down on the following pain point problems that the app will seek to address.

  • Waiting for games

    • Users expressed frustration having to wait to play the games they want to when they got to the arcade.

  • Friend coordination

    • Users also wanted ways to be able to link up with friends at the arcade.

  • Games List

    • Users wanted a way to be able to see the games available at the arcade and their average wait times and schedule. 

  • Reservations

    • Users wanted to be able to place reservations in order to make sure they could play specific games.

User Persona Stories

After conducting research for the app, I created 2 user personas to further think about how clients would use our app and how the app could fit into their lives.
Covering their goals, frustrations, and how they currently interact with arcades and play games, allows us to tailor the app to properly fit the experience of our desired audience and make sure the app is continuing to be customer focused.


With the initial research done, I moved onto making several paper prototypes, and then creating a digital mockup that would walk through the app’s reservation process.

My goal with the prototype was to maximize visibility of the app’s games, and create a design that could incorporate each game’s art. That way users can have their eye caught by a cool looking game or recognize a game faster.

When a user clicks on a game from the game list, more information of the game and the current available reservation times are displayed. Giving the user more information about new games and when they would be available.

Usability Studies

Once the digital mockup was finished, I created 2 research groups of 5 people that could be potential users of the app.

I had each tester answer a few questions after going through the app, as well as allowing free space for the to say how they felt about the app, and then compiled the general feedback from each group.

Incorporating Feedback

After hearing feedback, I incorporated some suggestions made from the usability test and added search and sort buttons in order to make finding the game you would like easier.

Design Rework

I then began to incorporate more visual appeal in the design. Using purple as a main color as it captures the fantastical and imaginative atmosphere that I think most arcades try to capture.

After meeting again with some other previous users from the usability tests, users were engaging with the app more and stated it had much more visual appeal than before.

Handling Accessibility and design flexibility

While I have taken accessibility into account, with the introduction of color, I want to make sure that my app would be able to be inclusive and enjoyed by as many people as possible. I met with my design mentor and noticed that currently my colors weren’t meeting some of the contrast standards and that my button/ tap area designs weren’t taking into account the many different size and shapes that phone screens to be. So as I move forward with the project, I wanted to place an emphasis on improving the app in both of these areas.

Current Project Status

As of now, the app’s design has undergone a few other changes. Incorporating a few design changes to make the app more accessible, responsive, and interactive. I’ll be continuing to refine it a bit more in order to learn more about the app making process and how I can best design apps to improve the lives of my clients.